Phytonutrients 101

Eat your way to a healthier life!

Posted by Marna Doussy on 7 May 2019

Would you believe me if I said your grocery basket is the new day’s equivalent to your pharmacy shopping? As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food’. This where the current nutritional train of thought is blasting full steam ahead. Of course, Hippocrates was WAY ahead of his time, but scientific research based on long term studies, have now actually confirmed his statement. I think that is pretty amazing, well done Hippocrates! Food comprises of the exciting abilities to protect us from diseases. It is obvious that certain foods would increase your risk to suffer from a certain disease later in time (think of the good old salt will give you high blood pressure, sugar will give you diabetes type 2 and so on). With those statements, we aim to decrease the intake thereof to protect us from the illness. But now, it works in the other way around: We now aim to INCREASE CONSUMPTION TO PREVENT DISEASE. Before you get carried away, let’s look at which foods to increase.


Phytonutrients are natural compounds which provide health promoting benefits above and beyond the good old school vitamins, minerals and macronutrients (energy, protein, carbohydrates). Some studies refer to them as “health defenders” since they powerfully fight off certain diseases.The best way to classify phytonutrients is based on their colour. A different color group would provide you with different phytonutrients.


These health boosting and disease-protective champions are found way closer than you think - IN YOUR FRESH FOOD ISLE! Fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients in abundance. Legumes, nuts, seeds, spices and herbs are all good sources of phytonutrients as well.


These natural compounds mainly assist the body to work more efficiently. Phytonutrients stimulate enzyme activity which supports the body in detoxifying toxins, support healthy immune systems, improve cardiovascular health, promote healthy hormone (e.g. estrogen) metabolism, and it fights against cancer cells.



So, include a rainbow of colours on your plate, everyday, to reap the wonderful benefits that phytonutrients have to offer! That way, your taste buds and eyes will enjoy a feast of different colours and flavours - while protecting your health! Score!